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HC3 Features - Access Roles and Descriptions

Availability: HyperCore OS v8 and above.

How to Access:  Login to the HC3 web interface, open the Control Center Panel, and edit/manage users in the User Management tab.


Opening a Remote Support tunnel is available at all times, regardless of the user's role.  This is due to the Remote Support option being available without requiring login credentials (Remote Support can be enabled from the HC3 web interface login prompt without logging in to the HC3 web interface).

* Details for specific role features, exceptions, and limitations can be found in the sections below.


Complete access to all HC3 web interface tasks and tools, no exceptions.

Admin role permissions are equivalent to the access in pre-8.0 HyperCore software versions.  On initial upgrade to HyperCore OS version 8.0, all existing users will be converted to the Admin role.  After updating to version 8.0, the proper roles will need to be applied for each user.


Read Only

May interact with the HC3 VMs through the HC3 web interface VM console view as determined by their local access credentials (their permission level for the guest operating system on the HC3 VM).

May issue a CTRL+ALT+DEL command to a VM from the console view but CANNOT perform any other HC3 web interface actions.


Scale Computing recommends utilizing auto-locking and/or auto-logout to ensure guest VM security.  Any VM console left unlocked and/or unattended will be accessible to the Read Only role (the same as leaving a physical desktop or laptop unlocked).

By default some Linux distributions may reboot when issued a CTRL+ALT+DEL command; this setting can be changed as needed.  Most Windows operating systems generally require a log in to issue a power control like CTRL+ALT+DEL, but this may not be absolute; ensure you take the appropriate actions (changes can often be applied utilizing group policies) to prevent any unauthorized changes.



Clone a VM.

Export and/or Import a VM.

Create and/or Delete VM Snapshots.

Create, Modify, and/or Delete Snapshot Schedules.

Add or Pause Replication to a VM.


Cloned VMs are not powered on by default.  The Admin or VM Power Controls role would be needed to power on a VM.

Imported VMs are not powered on by default.  The Admin or VM Power Controls role would be needed to power on a VM.

Users with the Backup role CANNOT alter a snapshot schedule to use on a VM.  They can create, modify, and delete snapshot schedules (and schedule rules) through the Control Panel, but cannot actually assign a schedule to a VM or alter an assigned schedule on a VM.  An "Insufficient permission to edit a Virtual Machine" error will be displayed.  The Admin or VM Create/Edit role is required to alter snapshot schedules on a VM at this time.


Cluster Settings

Create and/or Modify all settings within the Control Center Panel.

User Management tab and the Control tab (system/cluster shutdown tab).


VM Create/Edit

Import VMs to the HC3 system.

Create, Modify and/or Clone HC3 VMs.

Create and/or Modify VM block devices (virtual disks and virtual CD trays).

Clone VM block devices (clone and/or mount virtual disks on the VMs) in HyperCore version 8.1 and above.

Create and/or Modify VM network devices (virtual NICs and VLANs).


This role cannot delete VMs.  The Admin or VM Delete role is needed to delete VMs.

This role cannot delete block devices.  The Admin or VM Delete role is needed to delete block devices.

This role cannot delete network devices.  The Admin or VM Delete role is needed to delete network devices.

HC3 VM export is not included in this role, only import.

Imported VMs are not powered on by default.  The Admin or VM Power Controls role would be needed to power on a VM.

This role allows a VM or VM virtual disk to be cloned and/or cloned and mounted from an existing snapshot, but does not allow the role to actually create or delete a snapshot.  The Admin or Backup role is required to create or delete a VM snapshot.

Cloned VMs are not powered on by default.  The Admin or VM Power Controls role would be needed to power on a VM.


VM Delete

Delete VMs and their associated snapshots and devices.

This role ONLY gives access to delete any existing VMs (by nature including any current VM snapshots at the time of complete VM deletion) or VM devices.  This role does not grant any creation or modification rights.  The Admin, VM Create/Edit, and/or Backup roles would be needed for the appropriate creation and modification rights.

VMs must be powered off to be deleted.  The Admin or VM Power Controls role would be needed to power off a VM.


VM Power Controls

Start a VM.

Shutdown a VM.

Power Off a VM.

Live Migrate any running VMs.

This role ONLY gives access to power controls for any existing VMs.  This role does not grant any creation or deletion rights.  The Admin, VM Create/Edit, or VM Delete role would be needed for VM creation or deletion.


Cluster Shutdown

The same as the VM Power Controls role above.

Access to the Control tab of the Control Center in order to shutdown the HC3 system (and any VMs as applicable).